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“To lead the people of Life Centre Church into the presence of God’s Spirit and Truth through musical and creative excellence.”


We believe that if this vision is pursued with a genuine and zealous heart, the people of Life Centre Foursquare Church will be moved to respond to their Creator. Our hope is that this response elicits an internal and external shifting of focus from one’s Self to God’s Holy Spirit.


Essentially, we believe that when the church gathers to worship together – as one voice, one melody, one beautiful song – lives change. And we like that. We like that a lot.

Get Connected

If you’re interested in joining the Worship Team or if you would just like to know more about it please contact the church office or the Pastor for more details.


I will sing to the Lord,

because he has dealt bountifully with me.

Psalm 13:6


Worship is adoration. Worship is reverence. Worship is benediction. Worship means offering. To worship is to sanctify, to give thanks, to sing praises. In the Hebrew text of the Bible, the first mention of the word “worship” is shachah (shaw-khaw) and it literally means to prostrate oneself, to bow down in homage to God.


What does worship mean to you? How do you worship God?

Here at Life Centre Foursquare Church, we believe that worship should extend beyond the walls of the sanctuary. We believe that worship plays a distinct role in our every day existence. Worship does not end when church ends. Worship is a lifestyle, a holy and divine response to God.


Life Centre Foursquare Church believes that worship is a mindset, a way of life, a response to the call of God’s voice in our life.


Join us for prayer Monday & Wednesday


Prayer Request

We will pray for you!


570-622-7323  |  2300 Mahantongo St. Pottsville, PA 17901  |


© 2019 Life Centre Foursquare Gospel Church.

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